Thursday, January 20, 2011

Anne of Green Gables - the movie!

Finally...after searching high and low, I got my hands on a copy of Anne of Green Gables with Megan Fallows playing Anne. It was wonderful. I felt just like I did the first time I saw Pride and Prejudice come to life with Colin Firth -  as soon as it was done, I could have just started it all over again and been happy. I thought the movie stayed very true to the book. People who have read Anne of Green Gables repeatedly ( you know who you are) may notice some differences but for me it seemed to be perfect! Although I managed to find this one at a nearby library, if I had spent $20 buying it off of Amazon, it would have been worth it!

I watched this movie for the Lucy Maud Montgomery Reading Challenge hosted by Carrie at Reading to Know.

This would work for the Page to Screen challenge, if I were signed up, which I am not, yet.


bermudaonion said...

I've never seen this movie, but it sounds delightful!

Melissa (Avid Reader) said...

I watched this, and the sequels, so many times growing up! I love this adaptation.